June 22, 2020
As a result of the contingency measures adopted due to COVID-19, both the federal and local jurisdictional authorities had agreed to suspend activities from March 18 until June 30, 2020 (except those activities required for causes of urgency or emergency), and decided that no procedural terms and deadlines would run during that period. This suspension included the local Civil and Commercial Courts of Mexico City.
The Mexico City Judicial Council has issued an official statement in which it has authorized that, as of June 22, 2020, those interested in filing initial briefs or lawsuits on July 1, must obtain an appointment to do so. In addition, for the resumption of activities after July 1, appointments must also be obtained in order to file lawsuits and promotions. Briefs for which the deadline is expiring will be exempt from the requirement of booking an appointment through the electronic system. These new measures are adopted by the local courts to prevent overcrowding.
At OLIVARES, we constantly monitor any information provided by the authorities to keep you informed of any possible developments.