Sergio L. Olivares
Patent Star

Luis Schmidt
Copyright Star

Gustavo Alcocer
Patent Star

Alejandro Luna F
Patent Star

Alonso Camargo
Trade Mark Star

Daniel Sánchez
Patent Star

Abraham Díaz
Trade Mark Star

Armando Arenas
Patent Star

Víctor Ramírez
Notable Practitioner

Sofía Arroyo
Notable Practitioner

Fernanda Díaz
Rising Star

Patent Olivares won Managing IP’s Mexico Patent Firm of the Year (2019) award because of its advice and representation for companies such as Merck Serono, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, Celgene Corporation and AbbVie.

The key practitioners for patent matters are Alejandro Luna, Daniel Sanchez, Sergio Olivares and Armando Arenas. Another notable practitioner is Gustavo Alcocer, who is also experienced in regulatory and patent protection work. Trade Marks: Olivares maintains its Tier 1 status in the Mexican IP market in both the prosecution and contentious areas. Abraham Diaz and Luis Schmidt are recognised for their trade mark and copyright expertise.


The duo represent a toy manufacturer in an ongoing trade mark litigation against distant relatives of a renowned Mexican artist. Schmidt continues to handle high-profile matters, working on a case concerning the blockbuster international film Roma.

He dealt with all copyright transactions and licences related to the film, along with more than 200 trade marks, uniforms, music, and more than 100 artworks necessary for the production of the film. Armando Arenas and Alonso Camargo represent a consumer goods company in an ongoing trade dress infringement.

OLIVARES MIP IP STARS past recognitions