April 30, 2020
As OLIVARES previously informed, due the contingency measures adopted to prevent the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, both federal and local jurisdictional authorities, suspended their activities from March 18 to April 19, 2020, leaving only shift to post guard in cases of urgency and emergency and decreed that no procedural terms would run during said period.
Now, the suspension of activities and interruption of procedural deadlines have been extended up to May 29, 2020, for:
It is important to mention that as from May 6, 2020, the Supreme Court of Justice and Collegiate Circuit Courts will start holding remote sessions to solve those cases being prosecuted and pending of the issuance of a ruling. In these cases, session lists will be publicly available for consultation days before sessions take place.
Once a session has concluded, it will be possible to consult if the ruling was favorable or not, without being possible to access to its content. Rulings will be served once the Courts resume their normal activities.
As well, it is worth mentioning that the list of procedures considered as cases of urgency has been broadened to include additional aspects that might facilitate the admission of legal actions before post guard courts.
The decrees announcing the above mentioned measures have been published on the Federal Official Gazette.
OLIVARES will keep monitoring and informing regarding any updates.
The contentious proceedings before the Mexican and Patent Office are ruled by a different decree already commented by Olivares in previous newsletters.