BY OSVALDO AMARAL, MANAGING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, MARCH 2005 GIVEN THE RICHNESS OF MEXICO’S GENETIC RESOURCES, BIOPIRACY IS A SERIOUS THREAT IN THE COUNTRY. Mexico has the world’s fourth most biologically diverse eco-system: every existing biome can be found in the country. The country also contains 34 of 36 identifiable eco-climates and 25 out of 28 categories[...]
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How to stop parallel imports in Mexico

BY SERGIO L OLIVARES, JR., PARTNER MANAGING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, DECEMBER 2001/JANUARY 2002 The issue of parallel imports has traditionally been a difficult matter to deal with. Objectively speaking we can call it a “fair” situation where the trade mark owner loses control over non-authorized importations of original products after the goods are sold directly by the[...]
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