Getting the Deal Through – Trademarks 2011

BY SERGIO L. OLIVARES, JR. SOCIO MEXICO 1 OWNERSHIP OF MARKS WHO MAY APPLY? Trademarks in Mexico are regulated under Mexico’s current Law of Industrial Property (LIP), which was enacted on 27 June 1991 and further amended on 2 August 1994, and also under the Regulations to the LIP. Article 87 of the LIP establishes who[...]
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Mexican Patent Office excludes Formulation Patents from Linkage Gazette

POR ALEJANDRO LUNA SOCIO PATENT DOCS, 2010 On Friday, August 13, 2010, the Mexican Trademark and Patent Office (IMPI) made available through its website the new edition of the Linkage Gazette (Mexican health and IP law regulations require IMPI to publish a gazette every six months listing patents in force that cover allopathic drugs).  Regrettably, IMPI[...]
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The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Merger Control 2011

POR GUSTAVO ALCOCER SOCIO Y CARLOS WOODWORTH M. ICLG TO: MERGER CONTROL 2011, CHAPTER 28 MEXICO 1. RELEVANT AUTHORITIES AND LEGISLATION 1.1. WHO IS/ARE THE RELEVANT MERGER AUTHORITY (IES)? The Federal Competition Commission, which is an administrative agency independent from the Mexican Ministry of Economy, has technical and operational autonomy to issue its resolutions. The Commission is[...]
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BY JUAN LUIS SERRANO Back in 2003, Mexico enacted linkage regulations to avoid the granting of marketing authorizations in violation of patent rights.  The system created by these regulations is far less elaborate than the one set forth by the Hatch-Waxman act in the U.S., as there is no extension/term restoration, and there is no possibility[...]
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