Blog Page 05

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Blog Page 05

New General Law for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Indigenous and Afro-Mexican Peoples and Communities in Mexico.

  • By Blanca
  • on Aug 05, 2021
There is new legislation pending in Mexico for the protection of cultural heritage of indigenous and people of African. On.
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Prodesalud busca reducir la brecha de acceso a la salud en México

  • By Blanca
  • on Aug 05, 2021
Sin fines de lucro otorgará apoyo de consulta, difusión, promoción, capacitación y análisis para garantizar el derecho a la salud..
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General Law of Libraries.

  • By Blanca
  • on Aug 05, 2021
On June 1, 2021, the General Law of Libraries was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, which aims.
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