Framework for biotherapeutic products established

POR DANIEL SÁNCHEZ Y JUAN LUIS SERRANO MANAGING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, IP FOCUS LIFE SCIENCES 7TH EDITION 2009 For many years, Mexico lacked a particular regulation for biotherapeutic products, specifically those manufactured through biotechnology. Although these products were available for patients in the domestic market, their approval by the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) was[...]
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Publicidad en redes sociales

POR IGNACIO BURGOA MANAGING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, FEBRUARY 2012 Actualmente, es muy común que las compañías anuncien sus productos a través de redes sociales. Este tipo de promociones publicitarias comúnmente emplean los nombres de celebridades o figuras públicas, lo que presenta un reto para el derecho de autor, en particular, a las reservas de derecho al uso[...]
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por Gustavo Alcocer & Carlos Woodworth   1      Relevant authorities and legislation   1.1  Who is/are the relevant merger authority(ies)?   The Federal Competition Commission, which is an administrative agency independent from the Mexican Ministry of Economy, has technical and operational autonomy to issue its resolutions. The Commission is integrated to exercise merger authority by public officials, divisions and administrative[...]
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