Framework for biotherapeutic products established

POR DANIEL SÁNCHEZ Y JUAN LUIS SERRANO MANAGING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, IP FOCUS LIFE SCIENCES 7TH EDITION 2009 For many years, Mexico lacked a particular regulation for biotherapeutic products, specifically those manufactured through biotechnology. Although these products were available for patients in the domestic market, their approval by the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) was[...]
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Improved protection for personalities

POR LUIS C. SCHMIDT Y ABRAHAM DÍAZ MANAGING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, OCTOBER 2006 Effective from May 20 2006, the Federal District’s local congress (the Federal District of Mexico comprises part of Mexico City’s metropolitan area) passed legislation to protect the human personality and likeness. The statute was entitled Law of Civil Liability for the Protection of the Right to Private[...]
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Whither Rental Rights?

POR LUIS C. SCHMIDT, SOCIO WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REVIEW 2008 International copyright law has embraced the question of whether copyright owners-or neighbouring rights holders- should be entitled to rental rights and, if so, whether said rights should be rendered as exclusive or remunerative. Answers have been discussed in international and regional treaties as well as in[...]
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